We strictly control product safety and quality. We are familiar with the factory manufacturing process and each factory has a factory inspection certificate. We check at every level to make it safe to eat and use. Safety assurance is our responsibility.
Diversified information and affordable shopping services. After years of hard work, these business projects have won the trust and support of pet owners, and have also improved the quality of life and comprehensive medical care for pets. With a caring, friendly and strong working team as the core, it serves every pet owner.
Adhering to the concept of integrity and steadfastness and enthusiasm for pets, we expect to achieve higher quality and more professional services. We are constantly looking for and developing the best products for it, just to give it what it needs most and the best.
1. Intuitive and optimized operation interface
2. One swipe to browse many selected products
3. Send reminders when products are out of stock and ready to pick up
4. Real-time push broadcast of promotional activities
5. Safety first: credit card payment with the highest level of encryption Function
6. Multiple payments: supermarket pick-up and payment, online credit card swiping
7. Use "mobile phone number" to join the membership